
Multipurpose park and court dwg

    Construction of a multi-use park and field; with a total construction area: 838.40 m2. it has: fast basketball or soccer court; outdoor gym area; toilets for men and women; a kiosk; gardening and walkways the fast basketball or soccer field: it has a 94.05 m2 perimeter corrugated metal mesh; it also has 2 basketball boards; 1 volleyball net; 2 concrete goals and 2 rectangular outdoor reflectors made of metal additives; this in an area of 192.62 m2, the outdoor gym area: it has 6 high-resistance outdoor exercise equipment in an area of 35.50 m2. toilets: it has a toilet for women and another for men with 2 sinks and a 1100 liter water tank for consumption. kiosk: has a metal staircase; a tubular steel profile railing; with 6 lantern-type luminaires; non-slip tile and apparent conical tile; the kiosk was built on an area of 20.46 m2. gardening: 6 palm trees measuring 0.60 cm were planted; as well as 21 plants from the region and plantation of 4 sycca palm plants of up to 1.20; it also has 6 lantern type luminaires; of pole; colonial model; led brand. in a total garden area of 118.90 m2, the walkways: have 291.37 m2 of red and black paving; as well as a stamped floor on an area of 50.93 m2. total; park construction: 838.40 m2

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