

Conceived as an Unlimited Library that produces and offers Intelligence and Technology for Design, at the same time as an Engine for the Creative Experience in Architecture, Design, Engineering and Construction, intends to enrich the Design Experience through Facilitating instruments that makes it more solid, secure, simple and efficient. Offering elements to consulting, material for analysis and examples of practical solutions as parameters to each particular problem of the Universe of Professional Design. also aspires to work as a Concrete Tool in the resolution of the Design Process by the integration of the archives of its Library to Projects and Building Proposals of all types and categories. In this way offers an effective support for the integral development of a Project in the fundamental stages of Design and Construction.

Loyal to the Philosophy of Knowledge that guided it from the beginning, also offers the knowledge of the Great Creators of Architecture, Design and Construction, his professional experience on the Fundamental Subjects of these disciplines through Exclusive Interviews. A self production serie with high-quality thematic and formal on the Knowledge of Design, as a contribution to Professional Activity and University Education, as an intent that everyone can find at the website a propitious workplace and a constant stimulus that enhances their Knowledge, their Creativity and their Task. is thus constituted as a Platform that concentrates the elected and selected Thought of a Professional Community, the Power and the Prestige of its Ideas, and the concrete Resources for its Practical Resolution.