
Italian service person 3ds


    Winter service: neri stivaletti (amphibian boots during magazines; uniform winter service parades or honorable services); with the shoulder strap (expressly prescribed for officers, sergeants always marshals and chiefs) and diagonals (for the rest of the staff). and then a version of the special winter service for the departments located in areas of cold weather; which includes the blue reversed neck sweater and heavy jacket with inner lining. the sweater; can replace the uniform summer postal service shirt, even in the public order; patrolling; jokes; rodeos; translations; of values ??and pickets; as well as by the military of the mobile radio nuclei; motorcyclists; and embarked on a horse; with apportune variants. if the departments are more than one thousand meters above sea level; also; the uniform is completed with: knitted wool cap; ski and combined ski boots (for skiers); mountain boots; blue balaclava and leather gloves with hand reinforcement.

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