construction -gate (10306 Results)
Filter results
- Projects3493
- (#224) Houses1057
- (#249) Condos431
- (#223) Educational institution buildings382
- (#237) Assorted243
- (#239) Office buildings - banks129
- (#231) Casinos - hotels - restaurants114
- (#227) Shopping centers - supermarkets - department stores92
- (#244) Cultural centers - stands - art galleries - museums86
- (#228) Churches chapels - temples78
- (#248) Shops - stores74
- (#238) Accesses - entrances73
- (#245) Industrial plants - factories73
- (#234) Utilitarian buildings70
- (#252) City halls70
- (#254) Houses - 3d57
- (#230) Parks - entertainment53
- (#233) Concert halls - cinemas51
- (#253) Tourism - recreation48
- (#247) Store houses - ware houses48
- (#232) Bioclimatic architecture37
- (#229) Famous projects35
- (#235) Gas stations - auto service29
- (#241) Parking28
- (#251) Retirement - nursing homes28
- (#246) Workshops24
- (#225) Dining rooms22
- (#226) Transportation21
- (#243) Police - fire stations15
- (#250) Signs - banners8
- (#240) Docks - harbors7
- (#236) Airports6
- (#255) Geodesics domes3
- (#242) Planetariums1
- Construction details2043
- (#93) Construction details - assorted sections370
- (#99) Foundations262
- (#101) Roof coverings - structures261
- (#88) Steel structures234
- (#89) Concrete187
- (#116) Others175
- (#90) Wood75
- (#94) Walls - brick69
- (#110) Seismic structures68
- (#95) Floors60
- (#100) Plumbing50
- (#102) Walls - block43
- (#107) Ceilings - suspended41
- (#97) Iron works32
- (#105) Panels - walls (assorted)30
- (#113) Walls - stone20
- (#96) Losas alivianadas alveoplaca17
- (#103) Shorings - sliderail system11
- (#87) Panels - walls ceilings (plaster sandwich)9
- (#106) Wall coverings - stone - marble6
- (#111) Mouldings5
- (#115) Arches5
- (#112) Roof waterproofing texa3
- (#98) Roof coverings - onduline2
- (#114) Humidities control2
- (#108) Acoustic insulations2
- (#92) Roof waterproofing chova1
- (#91) Placner1
- (#104) Mouldings - woodworks1
- (#109) Mouldings - plaster1
- Doors and windows759
- (#40) Gates170
- (#39) Doors165
- (#37) Aluminium details129
- (#50) Construction details75
- (#51) Forged iron62
- (#46) Doors - rare40
- (#47) Windows23
- (#57) Doors - 3d22
- (#54) Panels - glass17
- (#45) Awnings - window shades12
- (#60) Glazed roofs - skylights11
- (#48) Windows - rare5
- (#49) Historic4
- (#53) Screen - panels4
- (#52) Windows - veka3
- (#38) Windows - 3d3
- (#44) Frameworks3
- (#55) Curtains3
- (#41) Balconies2
- (#43) Locks - hinges - screws2
- (#59) Closets - wardrobes2
- (#42) Wood components1
- (#58) Doors - pictures1
- Mech - elect - plumb521
- (#368) Sanitary and rain drainage143
- (#369) Water127
- (#378) Misscellaneous77
- (#370) Electricity51
- (#372) Fire protection26
- (#374) Gas26
- (#371) Elevators24
- (#376) Bathroom fittings14
- (#377) Waste service for buildings11
- (#375) Communications11
- (#373) Technical rooms8
- (#379) Ventilation systems3
- Urban infraestructure451
- (#381) Sewer infrastructure170
- (#382) Water - supply - distribution158
- (#384) Electricity49
- (#380) Water - treatment plants33
- (#385) Telecommunications infrastructure15
- (#383) Natural gas - fuel oil supply - distribution11
- (#387) Public lighting8
- (#386) Fire protection7
- Construction systems356
- (#318) Others77
- (#304) Panel system (covintec)60
- (#310) Steel framing47
- (#308) Panels (plaster sandwich) durlock pladur others46
- (#312) Woodframes - traditional41
- (#314) Glazing systems - roofs19
- (#313) Adobe18
- (#309) Steel plates - concrete system (losacero)12
- (#316) Concrete blocks system (retak)9
- (#311) Precast7
- (#317) Panel system (ecopanel - multipanel)7
- (#306) Panel system (grc)6
- (#315) Laminated wood5
- (#305) Shorings - siderails1
- (#307) Ground - concrete system (cet)1
- Roads bridges and dams336
- (#326) Highways - roads - streets148
- (#324) Bridges126
- (#327) Compaction - foundations21
- (#329) Dams21
- (#328) Standard highway signs20
- Machinery - mechanical249
- (#177) Tanks71
- (#175) Valves tubes and pieces58
- (#171) Machinery - assorted33
- (#169) Machinery - industrial32
- (#178) Mining industry24
- (#170) Pumps21
- (#173) Machinery - food industry5
- (#174) Oil industry5
- Stairways243
- (#401) Construction details142
- (#402) 2d stairways projects70
- (#400) Handrails17
- (#399) 3d stairways13
- (#403) Standards1
- Sports and recreation200
- (#79) Courts - fields112
- (#85) Projects - sport centers45
- (#81) Projects - stadiums32
- (#83) Water sports5
- (#84) Projects - gym3
- (#80) Gym equipments2
- (#82) Recreational - cultural signs1
- Bathrooms and pipe fittings181
- (#272) Bathrooms101
- (#273) Projects39
- (#258) Kitchen fittings - appliances20
- (#256) Pipe fittings - equipment10
- (#271) Bathroom fittings4
- (#267) Sanitary symbols3
- (#263) Toilets2
- (#269) Lavatories2
- Parks and gardens160
- (#404) Fences64
- (#408) Projects38
- (#407) Outdoor - casual furniture29
- (#405) Fountaines - lattice frames - decorations (gardens)21
- (#409) Grill rooms - barbecues6
- (#406) Lighting2
- Building codes standard146
- (#431) Mexico - df55
- (#440) Peru36
- (#442) Assorted14
- (#438) Venezuela13
- (#434) Chile8
- (#436) Guatemala7
- (#432) Argentina - buenos aires4
- (#439) Spain3
- (#441) Colombia3
- (#437) Argentina - corrientes2
- (#435) Parana1
- Miscellaneous143
- (#323) Monographs guides and papers112
- (#319) Topography24
- (#322) Dictionaries5
- (#320) Maps1
- (#321) Sculptures1
- Construction site101
- (#413) Machinery37
- (#412) Safety (construction)16
- (#418) Temporary housings facilities12
- (#411) Signs12
- (#415) Scaffolds8
- (#410) Tools7
- (#416) Planning of processes6
- (#414) Structure rehabilitation3
- Farms91
- (#429) Poultry yards - cages26
- (#427) Irrigating23
- (#426) Special constructions21
- (#430) Assorted11
- (#425) Silos9
- (#428) Machinery1
- Hospitals86
- (#362) Projects70
- (#363) Furniture - fittings9
- (#364) Mech elect plumb4
- (#365) Operating rooms2
- (#367) Signal1
- Furniture and equipments81
- (#196) Kitchen appliances14
- (#182) Bedrooms10
- (#195) Bathrooms7
- (#187) Cabinets - bookcases6
- (#207) Offices - laboratories5
- (#205) Objects - stuffs5
- (#183) Desks4
- (#189) Assorted furniture4
- (#202) Bars - restaurants4
- (#200) Chairs - 3d3
- (#209) Schools3
- (#185) Computer desks2
- (#198) Games2
- (#206) Tv family rooms - living rooms2
- (#204) Cinemas - concert halls1
- (#179) Tables - 2d1
- (#180) Chairs - 2d1
- (#181) Sofas - easy chairs - 3d1
- (#193) Supermarkets - stores1
- (#210) Cyber cafe - call boxes - phone booths1
- (#203) Information centers - lobbies1
- (#197) Security - control access1
- (#188) Lamps1
- (#199) Kinder gardens1
- Pools and swimming pools80
- (#357) Construction details42
- (#359) Projects32
- (#360) Accessories3
- (#361) Accessory constructions2
- (#358) Filters - pumps - equipments1
- Calculations76
- (#419) Costing analysis - project measurement32
- (#420) Structures - calculation26
- (#424) Assorted16
- (#423) Conversions of measures2
- Urban design76
- (#335) Peru27
- (#341) Ecuador13
- (#330) Mexico11
- (#331) Argentina10
- (#336) Bolivia2
- (#333) Chile2
- (#334) Venezuela2
- (#343) Honduras2
- (#350) Miscellaneous2
- (#337) Colombia1
- (#342) Belgium1
- (#344) Guatemala1
- (#347) U.s.a.1
- (#348) El salvador1
- Urban objects73
- (#135) Parks - squares equipment39
- (#138) Banners - advertisings14
- (#134) Way sides - pavements - roads10
- (#137) Bus stop5
- (#133) Playgrounds equipment5
- Vehicles69
- (#160) Trucks31
- (#161) Boats - ships24
- (#168) Assorted6
- (#163) Pickup trucks2
- (#152) Aircrafts - 3d1
- (#153) Aircrafts - 2d1
- (#162) Bikes - motorbikes1
- (#164) Trains1
- (#165) Cars - render pictures1
- (#166) Car block 2d1
- Electrical lighting58
- (#129) Projects38
- (#128) Lamps11
- (#126) Electrical symbols - residential3
- (#131) Electrical motors3
- (#132) Standards2
- (#130) Lightning rod1
- Historic41
- (#148) Historical urban centers8
- (#141) Churches and temples6
- (#140) Monographs6
- (#150) Assorted builidings5
- (#143) Residences and palaces4
- (#146) Theaters and public buildings3
- (#149) Restorations3
- (#144) Decorative elements2
- (#145) Arcs and columns1
- (#142) Monuments and sculptures1
- (#147) Archeological sites1
- (#151) Assorted1
- Climate conditioning38
- (#354) Cooling20
- (#352) Fireplace stoves - fireplaces9
- (#355) Heating4
- (#351) Insulations3
- (#356) Calculations2
- Symbols26
- (#278) Signals13
- (#276) Building code symbols - spain7
- (#277) Logo and symbols3
- (#279) Others2
- (#274) Architecture - engineering symbols1
- Drawing with autocad18
- (#389) Exercieses9
- (#392) Signs and templates2
- (#394) Arches circumferences and ovals2
- (#393) Perspectives2
- (#390) Autocad lessons2
- (#391) Domes vaults and arches1
- Trees and plants15
- (#75) Details8
- (#66) Trees - elevation2
- (#67) Trees - 3d2
- (#73) Botany2
- (#65) Trees - plan1
Gate motor lock gate.
Sliding access gate
Typical gate
Metal gate detail
Fence facade and gate
Metal gate
Metal gate
Sliding gate
Gate shaft cofferdam
Sliding gate
Steel closing gate detail
Steel gate
Gate and fence
Fence and gates
Gate valve tank
Metal door
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